Old ways are strong. Sharing knowledge for a strong future.
The Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group and the Men’s Behaviour Change Program, with italk Studios, has created eight animations about the strengths of Aboriginal culture and the equal roles of women and men in Aboriginal culture.
See them all here and on Imparja, and listen to the audio on 8CCC Community Radio.
This is a story about the values of Aboriginal culture and the equality of women and men.
This story is about women passing knowledge down from generation to generation.
This story shows how First Nations women use the land to teach young people.
In this story a young woman remembers a long walk she took with her family as a child.
This story is about the importance of language and how elders teach young boys to track and hunt.
This story is about the importance of the smoking ceremony and how it helps new babies grow.
This is a story about deep listening and how it can heal.
This is a story about young people and elders connecting to country and keeping culture strong.